
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A needle woman

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Today I went to an Artist Talk at the school for Kimsooja. I wasn't too familiar with her work before I read the email but any installation artist that uses textiles in some form always grabs my attention. Continued to look at her work and loved the what she did at the Crystal Palace in Madrid and thought okay this is worth going to.

It was a great presentation but there were a few things that she said that just kind of stuck with me. Them being...

Connections and Disconnections within the same world. Although globalization seemed to have unified everything the would has not progressed as much as we thought...

How bodies and their energies react with one another, and where is their attention being directed?

How one stopped body, the anti cruise, among a walking crowd becomes the "Axis of time"

An opened hand- what is it asking for?

Sewing, a medium for a woman artist.

"We love, dream, suffer, and die all within our beds."

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